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Sunday 1 January 2012

Adam NurIman Qalif

Dia la...jantung..hati ..nyawa...& segala2nya... Ya Allah...jadikan la dia anak  yang soleh,beriman, ber akhlak mulia....pintar....cerdik....& segala2nya yang baik utk dia...mudah2an dia dpt mendoakan kami...bile kami tiada nanti......we love u so much sayang.....

he sooo cute 

he soooo clever.......

he sooo funny....

sgt excited msa nk wat majlis hari jadi utk  dia..... sgt meriah... la kek hari jadi adam yg pertama..pecan butterscotch....share dgn papa....ehehe....

papa & adam....celebrate their bestday 2gether.....
Cpt je masa berjalan.....
Diam x diam..dh 2thn ye buah ati mama ni..... ni ler rupenya kek utk besday boy....
 Choclate Indulgence...yummyy!!!!!

 we're happy family..forever & ever.......Amin...Amin....Ya Rabbal Alamin.....

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